© Imperium Commodity Search is a specialist brand of MET Recruitment (London) Ltd. - All rights reserved
Partnering with Ripple Africa to offer our clients a retained search solution that simultaneously contributes to global sustainability.
Imperium Commodity Search and each of her consultants hold environmental issues close to their heart as we strive to earn Net Zero status as a business in 2023.
To enable us to overachieve on this goal we are proud to bring a unique recruitment search structure to market that enables both the planting of significant numbers of trees and also helps local communities in Africa as a direct consequence of the hiring process.
Partnering with Ripple Africa, we work with our clients to offset carbon emissions and donate a significant proportion of the recruitment cost to a number of worthy causes in Malawi that benefit us all through carbon offsetting and the regeneration of forests.
We know that sustainability is of increasing importance to the commodity markets globally but this is generally supported by donated amounts as a contribution out of net profits to a charitable organisation. We are able to offer a solution that has a quantifiable impact per recruitment search by committing to planting a defined number of trees straight from topline revenue.
Why does this benefit you, the client?
All of our sustainable recruitment projects are classified as such and actively marketed to show an increasingly ESG concious talent pool that the vacancy and opportunity is being managed under our ESG structure. This is something that we believe is unique within commodity recruitment at present and shows potential employees and candidates to the position that your company cares about these causes and is serious about sustainability across the entire business.
Under this search structure, we can work with Ripple Africa to ensure trees are planted with the donated amounts which will benefit the region and help with carbon offsetting for years to come. Alternatively we can purchase carbon credits with the raised amount which go towards your own carbon commitments. Our clients have a choice as to which route they would like to follow here.
The costings for a search remain unaffected as the donations are made under this scheme from our completion fee. The total cost to the business remains at 30-35% of annual remuneration and all of our 12 month replacement guarantees, transparent shortlisting and research exercises remain in place; giving you the same peace of mind in the recruitment project as always. Our default guarantees and search process is detailed on our Retained Search Page.
Click here to Download our ESG and Sustainability Brochure
Our consultants are on hand to help with any queries you have about our sustainability recruitment platform.
You can reach our consultants by phone or email below:
By Phone:
+44 (0) 203 927 5090
About Ripple Africa
Learn more about Ripple Africa and the excellent work they do in Malawi and beyond
How it Works?
When you retain us on a recruitment project, we commit to donating a guaranteed 1% of the agreed percentage fee directly to Ripple Africa to use for tree planting and carbon neutrality.
Representative Example:
Recruiting for a 100,000 GBP position on a 30% fee:
Retainer fee: 1 third of the total fee is paid
Donation made to plant 1300 trees immediately upon retainment
Placement is completed: Final 2 thirds of the fee is paid
An additional commitment of 2,680 trees is made, 4,000 in total.
At completion of the search, we will have planted enough trees to offset 400 Tonnes of CO2
This equates to a financial commitment of £1,000 GBP to Ripple Africa in this example.
Carbon Credits
For clients with their own carbon neutrality targets who require carbon credits/certification, we can utilise the money raised through this fee structure to purchase carbon credits and obtain the relevant certifications through Ripple Africa and the UN
Carbon Credits cost £12 per Tonne and certificates can be made out directly to our clients.
About Ripple Africa
Why Ripple Africa?
We chose to partner with Ripple Africa as they are a small but growing charity, and one which simultaneously makes a difference in carbon emissions and helps local communities in Malawi. Having this direct contact with those on the ground that plant, nuture and care for the trees they plant means that we get to see the difference our clients make to their projects.
This is Chisomo; one of the tree farmers working with Ripple Africa to grow trees in her nursery. Chisomo is 47 years old and married to husband Richard; together they manage the tree nursery to help regenerate lost forests and provide an income for their four children.
Ripple Africa work with 4,500 tree farmers, just like Chisomo, helping to plant 2 million trees each year.
Charcoal production is one of the main causes of deforestation in Malawi. Four years ago, this land was bare. Trees had been cut down and little vegetation remained.
Simon and Malachalu are former charcoal producers and sellers who now work with Ripple Africa and are Chairman and Member (respectively) of the Kalani Choma Forest Conservation Committee.
Alongside planting new trees to regenerate forests, Ripple Africa work with locals to educate on the importance of maintaining lush forests to help with water supply, agriculture and for environmental reasons.
With the rest of the Forest Conservation Committee, Simon and Malachalu now work within their community to educate others on the importance of preserving trees whilst also caring for the regenerated trees in the region.
Key Facts & Figures
- Helped plant over 17 million trees
- Plant 2 million trees per annum
- Work with 4,500 farmers and community groups on tree planting projects
- On average, each farmer plants 3,000 trees per year
- Establishment of 170 Forest Conservation Committees made up of 1,700 members
- Manage specialist community fruit tree nursery, benefitting thousands of local households
- Carbon Credits cost £12/tonne with Ripple Africa
- 40,000 fuel efficient cookstoves built and in use which saves 80,000 bundles of firewood each week
- Each cookstove saves 3 tonnes of CO2e (equivalent) per year
Where your commitment goes?
Ripple Africa employ 150 staff and work with 8,000 volunteers on projects in Malawi. For a small charity, their efforts are growing and the impact is significant, both locally in Malawi and in their efforts to reduce carbon footprints.
Despite the scale of their operations, their fundraising is substantially weighted towards charitable activities. At present, 92% of money raised goes directly into charitable activities; just 8% pays for administration and fundraising costs.